Watch our series of videos from mothers across the world talking about GMOs and chemical farming in their communities and what they are doing about it.
A shocking video by Alice from Uganda, Africa talks about the impact of GMOs and chemical farming on her health, her family and her village. With intro by Vandana Shiva, co creator of Moms Across the World. Interviewed and filmed by Zen Honeycutt of Moms Across America.
Special Thanks to Fran, Jessica, Katie, Catarina and team in Melbourne and Sydney, Australia that hosted the MADGE (Mothers are demystifying Genetic Engineering) talks which enabled Zen Honeycutt to meet and interview Alice. Alice shares what she learned from Vandana Shiva and the MADGE talks with Dr. Michael Antoniou, Dr. Michelle Perro, Zen Honeycutt of Moms Across America, in this video. The talks will be available on Please share.
Thank you to Vandana Shiva and Tadpole Artists Collective for this video.
Chailin from Taiwan about a group of Mothers and their Non GMO School Lunch project.
Special Thanks to Barbara Nei for editing this series.
Fran from Australia explains the link between our current food system and the rise in health issues.
Sally from the UK discusses new developments with GMOs in the UK and what Mums are doing about it.
Dr.Michael Antoniou on the sources and mechanisms of harm from GMOs and Glyphosate
Award winning activist and mother Sofia Gatica
More about Sofia and her country's fight against GMOs
10 Years of Failure, Farmers Deceived by GM Corn
MADGE ( Mothers Are Demystifying Genetic Engineering) co founder Fran Murrell sits down with Dr.Michelle Perro, pediatrician (US), Zen Honeycutt,Founder and Director Moms Across America( US) and Dr. Michael Antoniou scientist, molecular biologist, and genetic engineer (UK) in Australia.