Make a Video + Host a MeetUP + Have a Movie Night
Now is the time for mothers to be leaders in our communities to hold elected officials to account for protecting us. Now is the time to demand that our governmental agencies, Presidents, Prime Ministers, elected officials, and city leaders hold the well being of our children and citizens as a priority before the profit of a few chemical companies. Now is the time to stop the contamination of our children and the pollution of our planet.
Commit to expanding the awareness of GMOs and related toxins in our food system by:
- Celebrate Mother Earth and Moms by participating in Mother's campaign 2015 by making a video to hold your leaders to account for healthy soil, healthy plants, and healthy people.
- Host a Moms Across the World MeetUp at your home or community center with an international video conference connecting mothers around the world.
- Click on the ACTION page and sign letters and petitions. Write your own letter or make a video. Email us.
- Donate to support the expansion of awareness and action around the world.
Together we can transform the food industry. Moms buy 85% of the food. It is up to us. We CAN create a new future through our food supply and we will. The future belongs to us.
Co-Creators of the Mother's Campaign, Zen Honeycutt of Moms Across America and Moms Across the World and Vandana Shiva of Diverse Women for Diversity and Navdanya invite you to join us.
Navdanya’s mission is a global Seed Freedom campaign for GMO-free, patent-free, poison-free food and farming systems. Moms Across America and the World's motto is "Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids".
Around the world, mothers are the ones who primarily grow, prepare and serve the organic food to nourish our families. We decide what our families eat and the future of our families is up to us.
We invite you to host a movie night at your home, gather and connect with local moms and empower your community to take a new road to health. See our "Movie" page for suggestions.
Here's how to host an event...
Search in the box below to see if there is a nearby event. If there is no event near you, please email us at [email protected] to schedule your event. Include your contact info, time/date, location, and a description.
Together we can cause a shift away from toxic food to the whole, perfect, and organic food our mothers and grandmothers prepared for us and which nourished us to grow.